For HPE we learned about Ki0 Rahi. Kio Rahi is a game like touch but you use a circle ball and you don’t lose when you get touch. It is fun because you get to through stuff and run.

First we went to the field and got our tags so when we play we can get our tags ripped. If your tags is ripped once then you have three seconds to pass but if you get both tags ripped then that means its a hand over.

Next I was chosen to be the protecter of the middle. People from the other team have to hit the thing that my team is protecting and if they hit it they score a point.

Lastly I was switched with another team and I had to run and hit the seven poles. If you hit one pole and score it in the middle then that is one point. The more poles you hit the more points you will get.

I enjoyed doing this task. What I did well was play as the protecter. I need to improve on running